Use this free poker odds calculator to quickly calculate poker odds from a hand you played, or a fictitious scenario. Most poker odds calculators only calculate odds for Texas Holdem, but our calculator also allows you to probability, odds, and outs for Omaha, Seven Card Stud, and Razz. This poker odds calculator will calculate the exact poker hands that you input into it, improving your knowledge for future situations.
Free Poker Odds Calculator
(Interactive calculator coming soon, expected delivery Jan 2, 2014)
If you enjoy using our free poker odds tool, you’re welcome to apply to use it on your own blog or website by contacting us. Simple answer a few questions and you’ll receive a limited license to use the poker odds calculator at no charge. Good luck and happy calculating!
Simple Facts about Poker Odds Calculators
A poker odds calculator is a tool that poker players use to determine their odds of winning a hand so as to gain an edge over competitors. The most popular calculators used are for Texas Holdem, Omaha, and 7-Card Stud. For a long time these calculators were only available to Windows users but the good news is that they are now Mac compatible.
1) What advantages are you getting over your competitors?
With the poker odds calculator for Mac, you can put the days of first installing Windows emulation programs or partitioning your hard drive in order to run a version of the Windows OS behind you. You now get to use your iMac, Macbook Pro or Mac Mini exactly as it was designed while still profiting from the numerous software tools available for online poker play.
Once you get past the easy Mac install, you can now focus on enjoying the benefits of the Mac poker odds calculator. If you use it properly, the time spent analyzing hands, ranges and opponents will ultimately help you plug leaks in your game and make you more profitable in Poker.
The poker odds calculator is also perfect choice for use for online poker. This tool is powerful as it provides you with real time data and exact probabilities each time you begin a betting round be it a pre-flop, flop, turn and river. You can now more easily make optimal decisions in a timely manner and again will help improve your game and profits.
Another awesome quality of the Mac poker odds calculator is that it provides you with historical hand histories so you can review each session afterwards. This makes it easy for you to learn the game and become a shark!
2) How the odds calculator works on a mac?
The ease with which you use the poker odds calculator for Mac is much appreciated by the end users. You get started by launching either the web-based calculator or a download version. With the latter you just download and install the software, and you can start using it in less than five minutes.
Once inside, you click on the right column to select your cards and also have the option to select your opponent’s cards and the community cards. One of the more important functionalities of the calculator is that it gives you the ability to view the percentages that each player has in winning the hand you are analyzing. This can also be referred to as your equity in the hand. And if you find that the in-game calculator does not serve you sufficiently, you can always opt for an app or a manual poker odds calculator.
3) Poker odds calculator apps
Poker odds calculators have also been conveniently made available to you via apps. These are desktop widgets that have all the features of the online poker odds calculators. Having poker odds calculator app means you can be able to calculate winning odds on the go!
Getting one on your Macintosh applications dock only requires you to click on the installation button; it installs directly from the browser, so you don’t download any files onto your desktop and this saves you time and hard drive space. You are also able to easily and quickly calculate your odds with just a few clicks of your mouse.
The poker odds calculator for Mac is the ultimate tool for online Mac poker enthusiasts. It is your best option when you want to calculate your odds of winning a poker hand, and is no doubt one of the most useful tools you can have for online poker action. At the end of the day it is the tool that will ultimately help you to optimize your hand play and maximizing your profits.